

Every year, the UWSA offers over $10,000 in scholarships and bursaries. UWSA scholarships are given out based on academic performance, extracurricular activities or community involvement. All undergraduate students are encouraged to apply.

To be eligible to apply for a scholarship, you must be a UWSA member in the Winter 2023 semester or have been one in the Fall 2022 semester. A UWSA member is a full-time undergraduate student. Full-time is defined as taking 4 or 5 courses. This includes JD and MD programs.

Applications for scholarships are now open for the 2022-2023 year.  The last day to submit applications is March 20th, 2023 at 5:00pm.

If you have any questions about scholarships, please email

Academic and Involvement Leadership ($500)

We are excited to offer a scholarship opportunity for students who excel in both academic and involvement leadership. This scholarship aims to recognize and support students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership abilities and involvement on campus, while maintaining an excellent academic standing.

    1. Must be a currently enrolled undergraduate student at the University of Windsor.

    2. Must have at least a 75% cumulative average.

    • Completed application form with personal and educational information as per Qualtrics.

    • An essay of no more than 500 words describing your involvement in extracurricular activities, student organizations, community service, or other related activities, and how you have demonstrated outstanding leadership abilities.

    • A copy of your most recent transcript showing your cumulative GPA and cumulative average.

    • The scholarship will provide $500 in financial assistance to the selected recipient to be used towards tuition, textbooks, and other educational expenses.

    • The application deadline is March 20TH, 2023 AT 5:00PM of each year. The scholarship winner will be notified by March 23RD, 2023 AT 5:00PM.

    *We encourage all eligible students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership abilities and involvement on campus, while maintaining an excellent academic standing, to apply for this scholarship opportunity.

Accessibility ($1,000) 

We are pleased to announce an accessibility scholarship opportunity for students who face accessibility barriers and are underrepresented through a lack of accessibility options. This scholarship aims to support and encourage students with disabilities to pursue their academic and career goals.

    1. Must be a currently enrolled undergraduate student at the University of Windsor.

    2. Must have a documented disability that presents a barrier to accessibility.

    3. Must be an underrepresented student who faces a lack of accessibility options in their academic or career pursuits.

    • Completed application form with personal and educational information on Qualtrics.

    • The scholarship will provide $1000 in financial assistance to the selected recipient to be used towards tuition, textbooks, and other educational expenses.

    • The application deadline is March 20TH, 2023 AT 5:00PM of each year. The scholarship winner will be notified by March 23RD, 2023 AT 5:00PM. We encourage all eligible students apply for this scholarship opportunity.

Artistic (2 x $500)

We are pleased to announce an artistic scholarship opportunity for students who have shown great appreciation and dedication to arts on campus through music, theatre, or visual arts. This scholarship aims to recognize and support students who have demonstrated exceptional talent and commitment in the arts.

    1. Must be a currently enrolled undergraduate student at the University of Windsor.

    2. Must have demonstrated exceptional talent and dedication in music, theatre, or visual arts on campus, as evidenced by their participation in related activities, events, performances, or exhibitions.

    • Completed application form with personal and educational information on Qualtrics.

    • An essay of no more than 500 words describing your appreciation for and dedication to music, theatre, or visual arts on campus.

    • A portfolio of your work, which may include recordings, photographs, videos, or other related materials, showcasing your exceptional talent and dedication in music, theatre, or visual arts.

    • The scholarship will provide two students with $500 each in financial assistance to the selected recipients to be used towards tuition, textbooks, and other educational expenses.

    • The application deadline is March 20TH, 2023 AT 5:00PM of each year. The scholarship winners will be notified by March 23RD, 2023 AT 5:00PM.

    *We encourage all eligible students who have demonstrated exceptional talent and dedication in music, theatre, or visual arts on campus to apply for this scholarship opportunity.

Athletics ($500)

We are pleased to offer a scholarship opportunity for students who excel in athletics. This scholarship aims to recognize and support student-athletes who have demonstrated exceptional talent, dedication, and sportsmanship in their chosen athletic field.

    1. Must be a currently enrolled undergraduate student at the University of Windsor.

    2. Must have participated in an intercollegiate or intramural sport, and demonstrated exceptional talent, dedication, and sportsmanship in their chosen athletic field.

    • Completed application form with personal and educational information on Qualtrics.

    • An essay of no more than 500 words describing your athletic achievements, dedication, and sportsmanship, and how your athletic pursuits have impacted your personal and academic life.

    • A copy of your athletic resume, highlighting your achievements, awards, and honors in your chosen sport.

    • The scholarship will provide $500 in financial assistance to the selected recipient to be used towards tuition, textbooks, and other educational expenses.

    • The application deadline is March 20TH, 2023 AT 5:00PM of each year. The scholarship winner will be notified by March 23RD, 2023 AT 5:00PM.

    *We encourage all eligible student-athletes who have demonstrated exceptional talent, dedication, and sportsmanship in their chosen athletic field to apply for this scholarship opportunity.

Brighter Futures for BIPOC Womxn ($500)

This scholarship is designed to support and recognize undergraduate and graduate students who self-identify as Black, Indigenous, or a Person of Color (BIPOC) Womxn. The scholarship aims to empower and uplift BIPOC Womxn who have demonstrated exceptional academic achievement, community involvement, and leadership skills despite facing systemic barriers and discrimination. 

    1. Must be a full-time, undergraduate student at the University of Windsor.

    2. Identify as someone in the BIPOC Womxn community

    • Completed application form with personal and educational information.

    • A clear and well-written essay of no more than 500 words that describes the applicant’s personal story, challenges they have faced as a BIPOC Womxn, their aspirations, and how the scholarship will help them achieve their goals.

  • The scholarship will provide up to $500 in financial assistance to the selected recipients to be used towards tuition, textbooks, and other educational expenses.

    • The application deadline is March 20TH, 2023 AT 5:00PM of each year. The scholarship winner will be notified by March 23RD, 2023 AT 5:00PM.

    *We encourage all eligible BIPOC Womxn students who have demonstrated exceptional academic achievement, community involvement, and leadership skills to apply for this scholarship opportunity. This scholarship is intended to provide financial support and opportunities for professional growth to help BIPOC Womxn students achieve their academic and career goals, and pave the way for a brighter future.

Entrepreneur ($500)

We are excited to announce a scholarship opportunity for entrepreneurial students who operate their own business while pursuing their education. This scholarship aims to support and encourage students who have demonstrated entrepreneurial spirit, drive, and leadership while balancing the demands of school and business.

    1. Must be a currently enrolled undergraduate student at the University of Windsor.

    2. Must be the owner and operator of their own business.

    3. Must provide evidence of their business ownership, such as a business license, tax returns, or a letter from a business partner or mentor.

    • Completed application form with personal and educational information as per Qualtrics.

    • An essay of no more than 500 words describing your business, how you started it, and how you have balanced the demands of school and entrepreneurship.

    • Evidence of your business ownership, such as a business license, tax returns, or a letter from a business partner or mentors

    • The scholarship will provide $500 in financial assistance to the selected recipient to be used towards tuition, textbooks, and other educational expenses.

    • The application deadline is March 20TH, 2023 AT 5:00PM of each year. The scholarship winner will be notified by March 23RD, 2023 AT 5:00PM.

    *We encourage all eligible entrepreneurial students who operate their own business while pursuing their education to apply for this scholarship opportunity.

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization Scholarship (EDID) (2 x 500$) 

This scholarship is designed to support and recognize students who are from a racialized or marginalized community or have an interest in research/work in the field of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization (EDID). The scholarship aims to encourage and empower students who are dedicated to advancing social justice and equity in their communities and beyond. 

    1. Must be a full-time, undergraduate student at the University of Windsor.

    2. Must self-identify or be apart of a racialized or marginalized community

    • Completed application form with personal and educational information.

    • A clear and well-written essay of no more than 500 words that describes the applicant’s personal story, challenges they have faced as a member of a marginalized community or in pursuing EDID research/work, their aspirations, and how the scholarship will help them achieve their goals.

    • The scholarship will provide up to $500 in financial assistance to the selected recipients to be used towards tuition, textbooks, and other educational expenses.

    • The application deadline is March 20TH, 2023 AT 5:00PM of each year. The scholarship winner will be notified by March 23RD, 2023 AT 5:00PM.

    *We encourage all eligible students who are committed to promoting equity, diversity, inclusion, and decolonization to apply for this scholarship opportunity

Financial Hardship (3 x $500) 

We are pleased to announce a scholarship opportunity for students who have recently suffered a financial setback causing them to take a break from classes. This scholarship aims to support and encourage students who have faced financial hardship and are determined to continue their education.

    1. Must be a currently enrolled undergraduate student at the University of Windsor.

    2. Must have suffered a financial setback that has caused them to take a break from classes.

    3. Must provide evidence of their financial hardship, such as a letter explaining their situation or a financial aid award letter.

    • Completed application form with personal and educational information on Qualtrics.

    • An essay of no more than 500 words describing your financial hardship and how it has impacted your education, as well as your determination to continue your studies.

    • The scholarship will provide $500 in financial assistance to the selected recipients to be used towards tuition, textbooks, and other educational expenses.

    • The application deadline is March 20TH, 2023 AT 5:00PM of each year. The scholarship winner will be notified by March 23RD, 2023 AT 5:00PM.

    *We encourage all eligible students who have suffered a financial setback and are determined to continue their education to apply for this scholarship opportunity

Graduating Student ($500)

We are pleased to offer a scholarship opportunity for graduating students who are about to complete their academic program. This scholarship aims to support and recognize students who have achieved academic excellence and are ready to embark on their next phase of life.

    1. Must be a graduating student from the University of Windsor by Fall 2023.

    • Completed application form with personal and educational information s per Qualtrics.

    • The scholarship will provide $500 in financial assistance to the selected recipient to be used towards any educational or professional development expenses, such as tuition, textbooks, career coaching, or certification programs.

    • The application deadline is March 20TH, 2023 AT 5:00PM of each year. The scholarship winner will be notified by March 23RD, 2023 AT 5:00PM.

    *We encourage all eligible graduating students who have achieved academic excellence and have promising plans for their future to apply for this scholarship opportunity.

International Student Leader ($500) 

We are pleased to announce a scholarship opportunity for international students who have shown excellent capabilities as a leader through their involvement on campus. This scholarship aims to support and encourage international student leaders who have made a positive impact on their campus and in their community.

    1. Must be a currently enrolled undergraduate student at the University of Windsor.

    2. Must have demonstrated outstanding leadership skills through involvement on their campus.

    3. Must provide evidence of their leadership skills, such as a portfolio of leadership projects or a list of accomplishments as detailed in Qualtrics.

  • Completed application form with personal and educational information on Qualtrics.

  • The scholarship will provide $500 in financial assistance to the selected recipient to be used towards tuition, textbooks, and other educational expenses.

    • The application deadline is MARCH 20TH, 2023 AT 5:00PM of each year. The scholarship winner will be notified by March 23RD, 2023 AT 5:00PM.

    *We encourage all eligible international students who have shown excellent capabilities as a leader through their involvement on campus to apply for this scholarship opportunity.

Jason Solomon Rise Above (2 x $500)

We are pleased to offer the Jason Solomon Rise Above award, a scholarship opportunity for full-time, undergraduate students who self-identify as Black African, Black Caribbean, Black North American, multi-racial students who have and identify with their Black ancestry, etc. This scholarship aims to support and recognize students who have demonstrated resilience and perseverance in the face of challenges and obstacles related to their identity and background.

    1. Must be a full-time, undergraduate student at the University of Windsor.

    2. Must self-identify as Black African, Black Caribbean, Black North American, multi-racial students who have and identify with their Black ancestry, etc.

    • Completed application form with personal and educational information.

    • An essay of no more than 500 words describing your personal journey and how you have risen above challenges and obstacles related to your identity and background.

    • The scholarship will provide up to $500 in financial assistance to the selected recipients to be used towards tuition, textbooks, and other educational expenses.

    • The application deadline is March 20TH, 2023 AT 5:00PM of each year. The scholarship winner will be notified by March 23RD, 2023 AT 5:00PM.

    *We encourage all eligible students who have demonstrated resilience and perseverance in the face of challenges related to their identity and background to apply for this scholarship opportunity.

Student Advocate (2 x $500)

We are pleased to announce a scholarship opportunity for students who have demonstrated a strong commitment to advocating for student rights on their campus and in their community. This scholarship aims to support and encourage student advocates who have shown great initiative in promoting positive change for their fellow students.

    1. Must be a currently enrolled undergraduate student at the University of Windsor.

    2. Must have demonstrated a commitment to advocating for student rights on their campus and in their community.

    3. Must provide evidence of their advocacy work.

    • Completed application form with personal and educational information on Qualtrics.

    • The scholarship will provide two $500 scholarships in to the selected recipient to be used towards tuition, textbooks, and other educational expenses.

    • The application deadline is March 20TH, 2023 AT 5:00PM of each year. The scholarship winner will be notified by March 23RD, 2023 AT 5:00PM. We encourage all eligible student advocates to apply for this scholarship opportunity.

Student Groups Scholarship ($500)

We are pleased to announce a scholarship opportunity for students who have recently created or turned around a club/group on campus and helped it thrive. This scholarship aims to recognize and support students who have demonstrated innovation, leadership, and commitment in building and growing a club/group on their campus.

    1. Must be a currently enrolled undergraduate student at the University of Windsor.

    2. Must have recently created or turned around a club/group on campus and helped it thrive.

    3. Must provide evidence of their club/group leadership and impact, such as a portfolio of club/group projects, a list of accomplishments, or a letter of recommendation from a faculty member or community leader.

    • Completed application form with personal and educational information on Qualtrics.

    • An essay of no more than 500 words describing your experience creating or turning around a club/group on campus and how you helped it thrive.

    • Evidence of your club/group leadership and impact, such as a portfolio of club/group projects, a list of accomplishments, or a letter of recommendation from a faculty member or community leader.

  • The scholarship will provide $500 in financial assistance to the selected recipient to be used towards tuition, textbooks, and other educational expenses.

    • The application deadline is March 20TH, 2023 AT 5:00PM of each year. The scholarship winner will be notified by March 23RD, 2023 AT 5:00PM.

    *We encourage all eligible students who have recently created or turned around a club/group on campus and helped it thrive to apply for this scholarship opportunity.

Student Leadership ($500)

We are pleased to announce a scholarship opportunity for students who have shown excellent capabilities as a leader through their involvement on campus. This scholarship aims to support and encourage student leaders who have made a positive impact on their campus and in their community.

    1. Must be a currently enrolled undergraduate student at the University of Windsor.

    2. Must have demonstrated outstanding leadership skills through involvement on their campus.

    3. Must provide evidence of their leadership skills, such as a portfolio of leadership projects or a list of accomplishments as detailed in Qualtrics.

    • Completed application form with personal and educational information on Qualtrics.

    • The scholarship will provide $500 in financial assistance to the selected recipient to be used towards tuition, textbooks, and other educational expenses.

    • The application deadline is March 20TH, 2023 AT 5:00PM of each year. The scholarship winner will be notified by March 23RD, 2023 AT 5:00PM.

    *We encourage all eligible students who have shown excellent capabilities as a leader through their involvement on campus to apply for this scholarship opportunity.

Womxn in STEM ($500)

We are pleased to announce a scholarship opportunity specifically for women in STEM. This scholarship aims to support and encourage women to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields.

    1. Must identify as a woman and be a student currently enrolled in a program specific to science, technology, engineering, or mathematics at the University of Windsor.

    2. Must demonstrate financial need.

    • Completed application form with personal and educational information on Qualtrics.

    • The scholarship will provide two $500 awards of financial assistance to the selected recipients to be used towards tuition, textbooks, and other educational expenses.

    • The application deadline is March 20TH, 2023 AT 5:00PM of each year. The scholarship winner will be notified by March 23RD, 2023 AT 5:00PM. We encourage all eligible women pursuing degrees in STEM fields to apply for this scholarship opportunity.