Equity Collectives
An equity collective is a safe(r) space that acts as a think-tank and platform for students of marginalized backgrounds to share and discuss concerns unique to their community and organize grass-roots initiatives with the aim of:
combatting oppression;
educating the campus community;
and improving the student experience for their marginalized community.
There are several different equity collectives, each with a mandate to support, organize and advocate for their community.
Mandate: To support, advocate for and be inclusive of all self-identifying students of colour with a systemically oppressed and underprivileged background
Support Services: AfroFest, cultural student groups
Mandate: To support, advocate for and be inclusive of all students from an international background
Support Services: AfroFest, International Students’ Society, International Student Centre, cultural student groups
Mandate: To support, advocate for and be inclusive of all students registered as mature or part-time students
Support Services: OPUS
Mandate: To support, advocate for and be inclusive of all students self-identifying as women
Support Services: Womxn’s Centre (UWSA)
Mandate: To support, advocate for and be inclusive of all students self-identifying as a member of the LGBTQ2IA+ community
Support Services: Pride Centre (UWSA)
Mandate: To support, advocate for and be inclusive of all students self-identifying with a visible or invisible disability
Support Services: Student Accessibility Services
An equity collective is structured to be a flexible and relaxed space—free of judgment, inclusive of diverse opinions and lived experiences, and based on realistic, progressive solutions.
A collective’s membership includes:
A chair, elected from among that constituency to coordinate the collective;
A minute-taker, elected from among that constituency to fulfil administrative duties for the collective; and
Students At-Large, who self-identify with that constituency.
All of us are advocates, whether that’s being an advocate for yourself, your family, education or community. By becoming part of this equity movement, you have the power to transform our campus culture and create the student experience you want to see for those who come after you.
Steps to get involved:
Look out for meeting dates. The schedules of collective meeting times should be regularly updated on our website and social media.
Subscribe to the email list.
Actively participate in the conversation.
Engage with other members of the collective.