The University of Windsor Students’ Alliance (UWSA) is the full-time undergraduate student union at the University of Windsor.

Mission Statement

We will be recognized as the best student-led organization designed to meet students’ needs. We will strive relentlessly to enhance student life through advocacy, representation and service.


The UWSA works to ensure that all qualified students are able to obtain a post-secondary education, regardless of their financial situation. At this time, there is a serious threat that the provincial government will deregulate all undergraduate tuition fees which means that each institution will have the ability to increase fees without restrictions. Ontario universities face serious funding short falls in the face of expected increases in enrolment. The UWSA will work to defend students’ interests by demanding that the University of Windsor remain accountable to the students and that the Provincial Government adequately fund universities and colleges so that qualified students can obtain a post-secondary education.


The UWSA provides services for students such as the health and dental planuniversal bus passstudent scholarshipsevents, coordination of over 150 student groups and more! Learn more about the UWSA Services and get involved!


The UWSA represents all full-time undergraduate students on all major bodies and committees of the University to put forward students’ concerns, desires and needs. The UWSA has elected representatives who serve students in various ways. There is the Board of Directors, Senators and Board of Governors. Please find out more about them on the Representation page.

Canadian Federation of Students

The Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) represents over 500,000 students provincially and nationally. This includes all three student unions at the University of Windsor – UWSA, OPUS, and GSS. The goals of the CFS are to fight for lower tuition fees and drop student debt, while at the same time advocating for students in all aspects of student life, including environmental issues, mental health awareness and support, among others.

Students formed the Federation in 1981 across Canada; among them were students from Windsor. Ever since this historic founding, Windsor has been well represented and has played a crucial role in the Federation, developing policy and participating in campaigns.

Finally, the Federation offers a lot of great services to students! International Student Identity Cards, which offer a huge amount of discounts to full-time students including products such as laptops, plane tickets, bus tickets, and computer software. This card is free to all members of the CFS, which includes all members of the UWSA

CFS Contact Information,
Twitter@cfsfcee @cfson.