UWSA – University of Windsor Students' Alliance


Nivethan Karalasingam

Running for Senate Student Representative

Outline your relevant experience for this position

My candidacy for the University Senate is backed by experience and merit.. As the Director for the Odette School of Business from 2023 – 2024, I oversaw critical  decisions, aligning with the senator’s role in policy and academic oversight. My financial acumen was sharpened as the VP of Finance for the Business Council during my high school tenure, where I was responsible for budget management and financial strategy. I’m naturally a people person — friendly and outgoing — and that’s really helped me step into leadership roles easily. I love getting to know different kinds of people.

What specific initiatives and projects would you undertake related to this role?

If I were to serve as a University Senator, I would undertake several initiatives and projects to enhance the student experience and contribute positively to our academic environment. Here are a few specific plans I intend to implement:

– Create more opportunities for students to interact with the UWSA so your voices are heard

– I would advocate for regular mental health awareness events 

-Networking events to give opportunities for the new students to make friends. 

And More with the help of you.

How do you plan on facilitating positive work relationships within the UWSA Board, members at large and UWindsor administration?

To foster a positive work environment within the UWSA Board, members at large, and the UWindsor administration, I plan to:

-I will be diligent in attending all senate and UWSA board meetings, ensuring a consistent presence and active participation.

-Utilizing my previous position as Director at the Odette School of Business, I will continue to foster close relationships with all members, ensuring a friendly and collaborative atmosphere.

-I commit to open and transparent communication between students and members.

Describe the importance of the UWSA in your own words

The UWSA(University of Windsor Students Alliance) is a very important organization in the University of Windsor as it’s the council that connects the University and its undergraduate students. Their primary focus is helping the student as well as creating fun memories. The UWSA is basically the student council and a union combined into one, so they not only help you when you need it, but they are also here to create fun memories of your university life such as Frosh Week.